Post by mccaptain on Apr 1, 2014 20:15:58 GMT -5
Should have told us you could write in Chinese.
Post by Canefire on Apr 1, 2014 20:43:52 GMT -5
Looks more like Japanese to me.
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 5, 2014 13:05:09 GMT -5
So yeah, I must confess that I'm really liking the look of the Hydra/Wyvern kit...
The conundrum is that I already have two of the old FW Hydras, one of which is almost finished in terms of painting ("Skid Marks" from many pages back in this thread), with the second one having only been primed. I also have an assembled, but unprimed old style FW Manticore. I'm seriously tempted to see if I can obtain two more sets of Manticore launcher racks and rockets, and turn my old Hydras into Manticores (giving me three), and then replace them with a squadron of the new all plastic Hydra kit (and possibly build them so they can be flopped back and forth between configurations as Wyverns)...
What do y'all think?
Post by yvain on Apr 5, 2014 15:07:59 GMT -5
It is irrelevent what anyone thinks. If those two things sell, you know what you have to do.
Post by yvain on Apr 5, 2014 18:43:11 GMT -5
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 5, 2014 19:06:43 GMT -5
DUDE THEY SOLD FOR THAT MUCH! QUIT YOUR JOB, IT IS TIME TO EMBRACE YOUR TRUE CALLING! Actually, I don't have a job currently... Just finished grad school in December and am looking for work. Maybe I might start painting up Knights to generate income while I'm looking?
Post by RedsandRoyals on Apr 5, 2014 19:14:33 GMT -5
DUDE THEY SOLD FOR THAT MUCH! QUIT YOUR JOB, IT IS TIME TO EMBRACE YOUR TRUE CALLING! Actually, I don't have a job currently... Just finished grad school in December and am looking for work. Maybe I might start painting up Knights to generate income while I'm looking? It certainly couldn't hurt. Maybe shoot Woz a PM asking for pointers about selling that sort of thing?
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 5, 2014 20:24:49 GMT -5
Post by mccaptain on Apr 5, 2014 22:35:29 GMT -5
It appears you don't want my opinion on your painting. Too bad. Looks awesome! Though it being perched on your couch like that about gives me a heart attack…
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 5, 2014 23:57:14 GMT -5
Thanks, McCaptain. I've actually got a bunch of artwork that I recently found and unpacked--mostly stuff my mom and grandmom brought back from their time traveling overseas--and I was photographing it all to catalog it for appraisal for insurance purposes, and came across that blob on butcher's paper and decided to photograph it for a laugh...
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 13, 2014 16:31:43 GMT -5
So, while I generally think the new Stormy kits are disappointing, there are bits of them that I do like. Specifically the beret heads, the backpacks, Hellguns, and the Volley gun. I'm thinking about taking my 'Chan Stormy conversions, seen in the first entry of this thread, and taking off the FW Cadian style helmeted and face-masked heads, and replacing them with the new beret heads; while also swapping off the FW backpacks and my Hellgun conversions for the ones in the new Stormy kit (bits sellers on the Bay o' E already have auctions going for parts), as well as converting up some Volley gunners, whilst keeping the overall "'Chan carapace" bodies that form the basis of my minis.
What do y'all think?
Post by yvain on Apr 13, 2014 16:43:48 GMT -5
I bought two boxes of troopers to do that. Going to put the arms and chest pieces in the bits box. The legs, weapons, and back packs look good along with all the accessories. I am saving the shoulder of one set of arms to be the command squad shoulder pad.
The amount of heads in the box is great as well. Just having that extra variety even the masked helmets is useful for the box later on.
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 13, 2014 18:12:37 GMT -5
I think I might try building and painting a new 'Chan Stormie using the proposed new parts first just to make sure I like how they look before I go and rip apart my current 'Chan Stormies. I'm wondering if it'd be worth waiting to try and eBay the parts I need, or if I should just bite the bullet and get a TS kit, loot it for parts, and then trade off the unwanted bits to Spikey Bits, or another bits trader, for store credit (or swap 'em with someone here on IGMB)?
I would like to build a whole platoon of Sotrmies now, as I think it would look cool...
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 14, 2014 10:03:19 GMT -5
Getting into the build on my Hydra/Wyvern kit. It's really nicely designed. Converting a 'Chan gunner was a bit fiddly, as the stock gunner's torso is bigger than the 'Chan HWT torsos. Anyhoo, this kit is definitely floppable between configurations. You will need magnets, though. The Hydra AC barrels actually have little nubs on the ends (see the last photo) that fit inside the receiver that go into a track, which keeps the barrels appropriately aligned. So to flop between guns, it's necessary to magnetize the halves of the receiver itself so you can pull it apart and drop the Hydra AC barrels in place (they won't slide in due to the nubs if you glue the receiver together, although I suppose one could always remove the nubs). The Stormshard mortar barrels just drop over the end of the receiver, and will require magnetization to hold them in place. I'm going to glue a stick inside of them with a magnet at its end that will run back to a magnet inside the receiver. I'm also magnetizing the ammo hopper bits, even though they seem like they will stay on just fine without them--better safe than sorry, in my opinion.
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 14, 2014 13:31:22 GMT -5
I went out earlier today, snagged the new Stormy kit to raid for bits (so I can plan future Bay o' E purchases), and just bodged this guy together: The base is my usual 'Chan Stormy/Vet base of 'Chan legs and Cadian torso. The beret head is actually from the 'Chan command squad kit. The backpack, forearms, and Volley gun are from the new Stormy kit. The helmet stuck to the side of the backpack is an extra Cadian bit, as are the canteen and knife, to tie him in with my original batch of Stormies (the FW Cadian respirator upgrade kit is now going for almost 21 pounds, which is unacceptable!), and the grenade is from the 'Chan infantry squad kit. Upper arms are the usual 'Chan arms with hollowed out Cadian shoulder pads. It was a bit fiddly to get the Volley gun bits lined up, but all in all I'm quite pleased with how he's turned out.
Post by cheminhaler on Apr 14, 2014 14:28:45 GMT -5
Looks quite complicated. Did you have to cut the second belt off the cata legs?
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 14, 2014 14:46:06 GMT -5
Actually, I almost always leave the belt on the 'Chan legs, and then cut off the belt from the Cadian torso bit. Having a razor saw makes it a much easier operation nowadays than when I used to make Vets and Stormies in the past and didn't have a saw.
Post by cheminhaler on Apr 14, 2014 14:51:31 GMT -5
I always did those hybrid conversions the other way round because its easier to just chop the entire belt off the cata legs with a heavy cutting blade (Stanley or X-Acto) then filing the legs a bit to match the smaller cadian torso. But to each their own How many scions/ stormies are you aiming for?
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 14, 2014 14:55:02 GMT -5
I've still got to finish painting my original group of Stormies from 2010 (I think it was?), which will give me 10 plus three extra special weapon dudes. I think I've got enough bits on hand right now to try and bodge together a Stormy Command squad, and my goal will be to do a full platoon eventually (1 command squad and 3 squads of 10).
Post by yvain on Apr 14, 2014 17:37:58 GMT -5
I came to say i got my scion boxes, but you beat me too it. I am really amazed at the quality of these. The only problem is the chestpiece which looks like it belongs in fantasy. Everything else looks great even the mask helmets. I was never really fond of berets, but the quality of these will make it nice to include as extras in my army I used scout legs on my original Catachan stormtroopers and these new ones match great as do the hotshot lasguns I made. I am really excited about this one! Your volley gunner looks great as always. I just realized I broke my never go to Trooper's page rule and looked at all your great stuff for the past few months. Whomp Whomp!
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 14, 2014 19:21:55 GMT -5
Thanks, Yvain!
I've bodged together a Tempestor Prime Stormy Officer and a Vox Operator over the past few hours. It's too dark to take photos of them right now, but I'll try to get some up tomorrow. I still need to put together a Medic (I think the PCS and Stormy Officer are far more useful for issuing orders, so I want that FNP), and then source bits for another Volley Gun. Gotta start thinking about a transport for them too...
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 15, 2014 16:26:14 GMT -5
Post by AshotNINJA on Apr 15, 2014 17:33:08 GMT -5
that last one would make a great master of ordanance figure... i really like the combat radio handset...
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 15, 2014 19:18:17 GMT -5
Yeah that handset is one of the neatest bits in the new Stormy kit. MoO spot is already claimed by another one of my custom "Carapace" 'Chans, though...
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Apr 16, 2014 12:18:50 GMT -5
Crap! I got to looking at the new codex last night, and Regimental Advisors can no longer be upgraded with carapace, which means my 'Chan Carapace MoO and Carapace Fleet Officer are no longer valid. We've also lost bodyguards...