Post by americangamerx on Sept 21, 2010 10:58:30 GMT -5
Hello, this is going to be my first post on the board so here goes. For the past couple months I've been working on my second guard army. Unlike the first one this was more of a project out of shear annoyance for another player. I've played guard since sometime around 2004-2005 and another person I know decided just recently to start a guard army too. Now his concept is making the WWII version of the United States for his guard and for the lack of better terms is creating it as a leaf blower list. I'm a man of sound body and mind, but the fact that he then says to me that I need to play Guard better, boils the blood. So I came up with the idea, WWII German Army (Heer) Guard. Now, I know a few things of what I can and cannot do in such cases true (no Nazi crap), but I value input from others outside my local game store. So, in short I require additional help in trying to cultivate a bad idea into a good, "politically correct", WWII German Guard Army since this will be my regular army....and yes pictures are going to be included at some point of what has been done so far.
Post by Happyorange on Sept 21, 2010 11:18:02 GMT -5
I'd say pea dot camoflague, iron crosses etc are ok, but don't go near ss uniform or symbols. If in doubt, don't.
Also, welcome!
Post by Ymmot (M.I.A) on Sept 21, 2010 11:21:39 GMT -5
I wouldn't really recommend basing the theme of your army around annoying somebody you play games with.
Post by Machine Gun Kelly on Sept 21, 2010 11:43:12 GMT -5
I second both opinions. Building a guard army should be an project of love, nothing else.
But I like the idea of basing it of the regular Wehrmacht uniforms and stuff. That is ok. Avoid the swastika it brings up the wrong signals.
Post by havoc on Sept 21, 2010 13:10:20 GMT -5
actually its pretty ridicilus how much flame you get from swastika there is reason why i cant post my ss-panzerkranadiers in any english forums
Post by spazmunke on Sept 21, 2010 13:22:35 GMT -5
And the swastika its self is not bad, its when Hitler took it and corrupted it.
But anyway, one day I would love to see a cities of death ame between 2 guard armies, on with the Valhallens painted like WW2 russians, an the other with Mordians painted like germans in their dress uniforms and fight the battle of Stalingrad.
Post by ulrikv on Sept 21, 2010 13:23:36 GMT -5
My guard army is loosely based around the WWII German theme I haven't had any problems with anyone I have played yet about the theme. Then again I also play Flames of war and other WWII games and I always play the Germans. a bit clearer but still huge I'm rubbish at this techi stuff Sorry pics are huge doh
Post by ElegaicRequiem on Sept 21, 2010 14:00:04 GMT -5
Definitely need to shrink the pics and use the macro setting.
From what I can see, they're not too shabby. I'd like to see some clear close-ups, though.
Post by Dedrier on Sept 21, 2010 14:58:46 GMT -5
The German army should have as much armor on the field as possible and quite a few Valks or Vendettas.
Post by robertm on Sept 21, 2010 16:04:26 GMT -5
I love the look of autumn peadot camo.
Post by americangamerx on Sept 21, 2010 17:50:25 GMT -5
wow, lot more input then I thought thus far. Truth be told, I really didnt care for the idea at first, but I am actually enjoy building it. I was going for the basic german heer first and then the stormtroppers with the pea dot.
Post by Rook on Sept 21, 2010 17:53:30 GMT -5
You want swastikas, use them. But I still agree with MGK as per love and all.
Post by Lt. dublindawg on Sept 21, 2010 18:03:17 GMT -5
If you want to go with a german feel for your army collect the Death Korps, while not exactly WWII they are a mix of WWI and WWII german soldiers. Just be prepared to take a big hit in the wallet collecting them.
Post by vegna on Sept 21, 2010 18:12:43 GMT -5
Well let's face it, the imperium is very nazi like. Killing all aliens, mutants and those that do not believei n the god emperor... Also there's a huge difference between the German army and hitlers politcal party and hitlers personal army. I like the idea tho, think it'd fit in well with the dark universe
Posts: 112
Post by jeep on Sept 21, 2010 19:22:06 GMT -5
Bossman at the Adventurers Guild, my local game store had a German themes Imperial guard army, this placed well at the Baltimore Games day several years ago and was eventually sold off to fund other projects. He has always liked making themed armies, they are fun and challenging to make. If memory servers me he used Armageddon steel legion for the guardsman, there were some conversions however, some of which I was involved in. The Steel legion missile Launcher arm was modified to look more like a Panzerfaust, then the modified army was spun cast in metal. Custom Rough riders and gas masked horses were sculpted and cast, (out of metal) (keep in mind that this was 8 or 9 years ago, forge world was not even contemplating these at the time. Chimera were modified to Sdkfz 251 halftracks, one of which has a full interior, the rest of them were sealed, the conversion parts where cast in resin. Leman Russ tank kits were modified to panzer IVs , Again the conversion pits were made and cast in resin. these looked good enough that during games day a red shirt picked one up and said "you have to use GW models.....er, You are quite mad!" and wondered off. All vehicles were painted in german dunklegreb, brown and green camo , via (my) airbrush. Later I was contracted to build a baneblade that looked like a Panther by a guy named Bill, who bought a lot of bossman's army.
Post by americangamerx on Sept 21, 2010 23:41:56 GMT -5
To Rook, I never planed to do so. I'm the type of person who is offensive for the sake of fun, but that would be a slight hop over the line and that right now I do not wish to deal with.
To Lt. dublindawg, Do to the fact that I would love to have some of the models, my creative side is saying go for it, but the racial side would rather beat the living snot out of me for considering paying that much just for one unit.
Now I did however order the Wargames Factory Greatcoats which I was planing to use as a Vets when I first read about this in Wargames illustrated back around April, before he started to drive me nuts.
Lastly, to jeep, Thats what i mean. I would love to be able to model a Panzer IV or Sdkfz 251 half tracks or even the old trucks they used early on in the war, but sadly my painting and conversion skill are sub par in my opinion.
I'm still trying out a new paint and doing a couple arm sculpts on the HQ. Hopefully I may have something posted, but work is crazy. May be some time, but thanks for the continued input
Post by praetorian13 on Sept 23, 2010 9:05:25 GMT -5
Post by Trooper One-Nine-Seven-Four on Sept 23, 2010 10:00:30 GMT -5
I always thought that Steel Legion, if painted properly, would make great Fallschirmjager look-a-likes... Years ago I started collecting DKoK to paint in feldgrau colors to look like WW II German soldiers, but didn't get very far into things before life threw me a huge curveball, and the project tanked. I'd love to see someone pull off an authentic look-a-like Guard army...
Post by praetorian13 on Sept 23, 2010 10:04:41 GMT -5
You could always ally with THESE guys I did!
Post by americangamerx on Sept 29, 2010 11:01:35 GMT -5
Alright, now that I have the ability to access the internet once again, time for an update.
Concerning pea-dot camo: Due to an overwellming support, which from the website here an several of my Flames of War friends, I will try doing the paint sceam for it. Now from what my firends said, it can be rather tricky...but I really dont mind a challange. And so far it really isnt an issue, just tedious.
I currently have one of my test models, a cadia officer with a power fist and a peaked hat, half ways complete. As mentioned above, it is tedious work. Frankly, it will be rather nice to see it completed. Picture to be posted in the near future.
Now I have roughly 100 cadians to paint and then the other shocktroopers to both paint and modify (which will be the regular german army colors or pea-dot not decided), not including the 3 basaliks, 8 russ varient tanks, 2 griffion mortars, the converted trojan, 3 chimeras, a tank destroyer and other misc assortments of the random things I've found that would look nice (bitz box with some of my old WWII weapons and figures)
Post by americangamerx on Feb 1, 2011 13:33:58 GMT -5
This is our standard op thread-o-mancy Its been a long time since I even was on the site. Most have forgot the project, but I have finally started back in full force,now that my health is back to just above sub par! Sadly not much has changed other then the fact that one squad is done and most of the tanks and chimeras are complete. Now the only thing to do is post a picture other then the one above. Once again another sad thing, I cant do that until I get a new camera. Once I do, I will have a few more posts to make with shots of the completed squad.