Post by Julian Sharps on May 7, 2011 21:50:26 GMT -5
I'm sure that most of you are aware that the Dark Eldar have very little on the way of Apocalyptic formations and units (even the freaking Toasters got more than we did in Reload), and all of those are a codex out of date. With that in mind, I've concocted a few more that my mortal nemesis actually thinks are good ideas (plus, I've updated the one that really needed an update).
Flying Dagger Pack - 200 + Models
Formation: 1 Reaver Jetbike Squadron with an Arena Champion and 2-5 Reaver Jetbike Squadrons
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Flying Dagger Pack must enter the table within 6" of the squadron with the Arena Champion.
- Screaming Jets: The Flying Dagger Pack always begins the game in strategic reserve. When the formation becomes available, all models in the formation move onto the table in the same manner as Flyer units (minimum move 36", no maximum), and each Jetbike squadron that ends its move within 12" of the formation leader may make their bladevane attacks on every enemy non-vehicle unit with a model on a line between the unit's starting position and end position, with no armor saves allowed on the turn they do so.
Additionally, each unit benefits from a 3+ Invulnerable save. Units that do not end their movement within 12" of the formation leader still benefit from the Flyer move and Invulnerable save, but may only hit one enemy unit with their bladevanes, with no armor saves allowed. The effects of this special rule end at the start of your turn after the formation comes on the table.
- Strategic Redeployment: The models in the Flying Dagger Pack get a single Strategic Redeployment asset.
Striking Shadows - 100 + Models
Formation: 3-6 Mandrake Squads
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Striking Shadows formation must enter the table within 6" of another unit in the formation.
- Strike From the Shadows: All models in the Striking Shadows formation always begin the game in strategic reserve. When the formation becomes available, each unit may be placed anywhere on the table, except for impassible terrain or within 1" of another unit, with no roll to scatter or mishap of any kind required. Each unit may not move on the turn they arrive, but may assault if possible.
- Strategic Redeployment: The models in the Striking Shadows formation get a single Strategic Redeployment asset.
Kiss of the Rapier - 150 + Models
Formation: 1 Succubus and 5+ units from the following list:
- 0-3 Hekatrix Bloodbrides
- 0-3 Beastmasters
- 0-3 Reaver Jetbike Squadrons
- 1+ Wych Squads
Note: The Succubus, Bloodbrides and Wyches may be mounted on Raiders/Venoms, provided that they have the option to do so.
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation must be deployed within 12" of the Succubus or, if coming on from reserve, enter the table within 12" of the Succubus.
- Bloody Caress: All units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation may use their consolidation move to assault an enemy unit within range. The combat will be resolved in your opponents' Assault phase, and the units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation count as charging if they do so.
- Outflank: The models in the Kiss of the Rapier formation have the Flank March strategic asset.
The Legion of Terror - 150 + Models
Formation: 1 Archon and 5+ units from the following list:
- Court of the Archon
- 0-3 Kabalite Trueborn
- 0-3 Incubi
- 0-3 Ravagers
- 1+ Kabalite Warriors
Note: The Archon, Trueborn, Incubi and Warriors may be mounted on Raiders/Venoms, provided that they have the option to do so.
Special Rules:
Strike Force: All units in the Legion of Terror must be deployed within 12" of the Archon or, if coming on from reserve, enter the table within 12" of the Archon.
Cunning Master Plan: The Legion of Terror may distribute these Strategic Assets among the controlling player's units: Flank March, Hold at all Costs, Strategic Redeployment, Replacements. Only one of each kind of Asset may be granted, and no single unit may be granted more than one.
Master of the Raid: All units controlled by the player using this Legion of Terror that are within 12" of the Archon are Relentless.
Splinter Raid Force - 100 + Models (updated from Apocalypse)
Formation: 1 Archon in a Raider and 3+ units from the following list:
- 0-1 Court of the Archon
- Kabalite Warrior Squad in Raider
- Reaver Jetbike Squadron
Special Rules:
Death From the Skies: The units in the Splinter Raid are not deployed or kept in strategic reserve. Instead, in the MOvement phase of the player's first turn, the Archon's Raider is placed anywhere on the table, then all of the other units in the Splinter Raid are placed within 12" of the Archon's Raider. All units in the Splinter Raid count as Flyers until the beginning of their second turn, when they revert to their normal rules.
What do you think?
Flying Dagger Pack - 200 + Models
Formation: 1 Reaver Jetbike Squadron with an Arena Champion and 2-5 Reaver Jetbike Squadrons
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Flying Dagger Pack must enter the table within 6" of the squadron with the Arena Champion.
- Screaming Jets: The Flying Dagger Pack always begins the game in strategic reserve. When the formation becomes available, all models in the formation move onto the table in the same manner as Flyer units (minimum move 36", no maximum), and each Jetbike squadron that ends its move within 12" of the formation leader may make their bladevane attacks on every enemy non-vehicle unit with a model on a line between the unit's starting position and end position, with no armor saves allowed on the turn they do so.
Additionally, each unit benefits from a 3+ Invulnerable save. Units that do not end their movement within 12" of the formation leader still benefit from the Flyer move and Invulnerable save, but may only hit one enemy unit with their bladevanes, with no armor saves allowed. The effects of this special rule end at the start of your turn after the formation comes on the table.
- Strategic Redeployment: The models in the Flying Dagger Pack get a single Strategic Redeployment asset.
Striking Shadows - 100 + Models
Formation: 3-6 Mandrake Squads
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Striking Shadows formation must enter the table within 6" of another unit in the formation.
- Strike From the Shadows: All models in the Striking Shadows formation always begin the game in strategic reserve. When the formation becomes available, each unit may be placed anywhere on the table, except for impassible terrain or within 1" of another unit, with no roll to scatter or mishap of any kind required. Each unit may not move on the turn they arrive, but may assault if possible.
- Strategic Redeployment: The models in the Striking Shadows formation get a single Strategic Redeployment asset.
Kiss of the Rapier - 150 + Models
Formation: 1 Succubus and 5+ units from the following list:
- 0-3 Hekatrix Bloodbrides
- 0-3 Beastmasters
- 0-3 Reaver Jetbike Squadrons
- 1+ Wych Squads
Note: The Succubus, Bloodbrides and Wyches may be mounted on Raiders/Venoms, provided that they have the option to do so.
Special Rules:
- Strike Force: All units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation must be deployed within 12" of the Succubus or, if coming on from reserve, enter the table within 12" of the Succubus.
- Bloody Caress: All units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation may use their consolidation move to assault an enemy unit within range. The combat will be resolved in your opponents' Assault phase, and the units in the Kiss of the Rapier formation count as charging if they do so.
- Outflank: The models in the Kiss of the Rapier formation have the Flank March strategic asset.
The Legion of Terror - 150 + Models
Formation: 1 Archon and 5+ units from the following list:
- Court of the Archon
- 0-3 Kabalite Trueborn
- 0-3 Incubi
- 0-3 Ravagers
- 1+ Kabalite Warriors
Note: The Archon, Trueborn, Incubi and Warriors may be mounted on Raiders/Venoms, provided that they have the option to do so.
Special Rules:
Strike Force: All units in the Legion of Terror must be deployed within 12" of the Archon or, if coming on from reserve, enter the table within 12" of the Archon.
Cunning Master Plan: The Legion of Terror may distribute these Strategic Assets among the controlling player's units: Flank March, Hold at all Costs, Strategic Redeployment, Replacements. Only one of each kind of Asset may be granted, and no single unit may be granted more than one.
Master of the Raid: All units controlled by the player using this Legion of Terror that are within 12" of the Archon are Relentless.
Splinter Raid Force - 100 + Models (updated from Apocalypse)
Formation: 1 Archon in a Raider and 3+ units from the following list:
- 0-1 Court of the Archon
- Kabalite Warrior Squad in Raider
- Reaver Jetbike Squadron
Special Rules:
Death From the Skies: The units in the Splinter Raid are not deployed or kept in strategic reserve. Instead, in the MOvement phase of the player's first turn, the Archon's Raider is placed anywhere on the table, then all of the other units in the Splinter Raid are placed within 12" of the Archon's Raider. All units in the Splinter Raid count as Flyers until the beginning of their second turn, when they revert to their normal rules.
What do you think?